Tag Archives: Mt Cooroora

Mt Cooroora Hiking Trail

We were staying at Aqua Marine and the weather was not very good for sailing, so we decided to explore the Mt Cooroora Hiking Trail near Pomona.

Getting there

Head south on Reserve Street (the main street that runs north-south through Pomona). After the shops, take the first right into School Street, which turns into Hospital Street. Then turn left into Mountain Street until you see the Mt Cooroora Cark Park signs. The walking trail begins there.

Mt Cooroora Hiking Trail

Mt Cooroora Hiking Trail sign

Mt Cooroora Track climbing risk sign

The sign says to stay on the track and that serious injury or death may result from leaving the track. The track is not recommended for the physically unfit, infants and toddlers, unsupervised children and night climbing.

We were pretty confident that a 1.5 km walk would not take us two hours. We figured that we were young and fit — well, my daughters anyway. By the time we enjoyed the view at the top, the return walk really did take two hours!

The Mt Cooroora Hiking Trail begins with a relatively easy bush walk for the first 15 minutes — this is where the trail starts to head upwards

As the trail climbs, the views become spectacular

Sometimes the Mt Cooroora Hiking Trail requires scrabbling over rocks

The view from the top of Mt Cooroora is spectacular

The views at the top of Mt Cooroora are well worth the effort